Saturday, December 17, 2005

The 9/11 Changed Everything Lie

9/11 changed everything, he said, so we need to make some changes. We need to tap your phones if we want to, enter your house to search if we want to; we need to find out what you read if we want to, we need to put you in jail indefinitely if we want to, and not tell you why or ever bring you to trial if we want to. We need to torture your neighbor for information if we want to - oh, don't worry, we don't really torture anyone, but we reserve the right for the CIA to do so, because we want to. After all, you're an American, and Americans must be protected, he said. Most of us, anyway.

You can't tell anyone if you see us take your neighbor away though, nor tell your lawyer if we demand all your records. You can't call your lawyer if we detain you, or talk about why we did, even if we tell you the why. We won't call your lawyer for you, nor tell your family where you are. 9/11 changed everything, he said, and you don't want to help the terrorists now, do you?

We need to render the ghosts unavailable if we want to, hide away the bodies, both the live ones and the dead. Oh, don't worry. We won't do it on American soil. We know you wouldn't like that. We will have to put them both beyond the arms of the law, and the reach of the press. We're preserving democracy, you see, and this is what we want to do.

9/11 changed everything, you see. It changed us as Americans, it made us realize that individual freedoms are frivolous, and must be sacrificed for the common good, he said. No rights are inalienable, like the Bill of Rights promised. They're not, you know, they're completely alienable now, you see, because 9/11 changed everything. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, all are at our whim, you see, because this is what we want for you.

You don't get up in the morning kiss your children and spouse goodbye and go to work anymore, you see, nor do you go Christmas shopping on Saturday, nor to the football game on Sunday. You don't drive to New Mexico to visit your sister, nor back to Iowa to bury your grandmother. You don't cry when that sappy Hallmark commercial comes on TV, or get sick to your stomach when you hear that another 10 marines have died in Fallujah, or Mosul, or Baghdad; or that more Abu Ghraib prison photos have surfaced. England is our ally, but Lynndie England acted nearly alone. We'll not show you the coffins at Dover, because this is not what we want you to see.

You don't feel guilty when you shop at Spencer Gifts for some stupid gag gift, when you know that there are children starving in India, or Bangladesh, or Darfur, or whatever the latest famine area of the world is. You don't run the risk of contracting AIDS, or of being diagnosed with cancer, or just coming down with a cold; the stars aren't as bright at night, and the Golden Arches aren't as golden as they once were, so we'll go to the moon instead, eating salads and chicken. Life doesn't go on as it once did, you see, because 9/11 changed everything.

Trust me, he said, I know what to do in a post 9/11 world. It will be hard work, he said, and it will put us to the test. I know what's good for you, he said, give me your tired quaint rights, and your poor sons and daughters, I have a war to send them to. Let me declare Victory aboard aircraft carriers, in airplane hangers, Marine encampments, and at rallies where the crowds have been pre-screened for presidential correctness. Let not my advisors tell me unwelcome news, he said, let them speak only of Victory, and Democracy, and God.

9/11 changed everything, you see, including that notion of seperation of church and state, he said. The First Congregational Unitarian Southern Baptist Church of Latter Day Saints and Apostles will help you out with some groceries next week in lieu of Food Stamps, he said. Go ye down to the 9th Ward, where you can earn $5.25 an hour for work on the levees. Let man and the Army Corps of Engineers put together what God and Katrina have torn asunder.

All the king's horses
And all the king's men,
Couldn't capture Osama bin Laden...

9/11 changed everything, you see, and for a brief moment in time, that was true. For 3,000 families it was forever. But then the clock started again, and as bad as it was to be attacked in this cowardly way, as much as it hurt our national psyche, and gained us rare international sympathy, as awful as it was to have our virginity ripped from us by three planes two towers and a pentagon, as much as we want to believe that we're better, or stronger, or braver, or smarter than we were, 9/11 changed nothing.

We grow up, we marry, we have children, we die. In between, we do all the things that we've always done. We live. We either do it well, or we do it badly. 9/11 changed nothing, you see, but our willingness - hopefully for an even briefer moment in time - to give up our personal liberties, while we were still feeling vulnerable, and wounded, and in pain. The pain has subsided, the wound is healing, and it's time to come to our senses, and remember what tyranny is all about.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Let's Get Ethical*!

I wanna get ethical, ethical!
C'mo-ooon let's get ethical!

President Bush has ordered White House staff to attend mandatory briefings beginning next week on ethical behavior and the handling of classified material after the indictment last week of a senior administration official in the CIA leak probe.

According to a memo sent to aides yesterday, Bush expects all White House staff to adhere to the "spirit as well as the letter" of all ethics laws and rules. As a result, "the White House counsel's office will conduct a series of presentations next week that will provide refresher lectures on general ethics rules, including the rules of governing the protection of classified information," according to the memo, a copy of which was provided to The Washington Post by a senior White House aide. WP

I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like
Making good conversation
I gotta handle you just right
You know what I mean
I gave you a good story tip
Then outed Wilson's wifey
There's nothing left to talk about
Unless it's marked "Eyes Only"

Let's get ethical, ethical
I wanna get ethical
Let's get into ethical
Let me hear that secret talk, that secret talk
Let me hear that secret talk
*sung to the tune of Olivia Newton John's Let's Get Physical

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wanted: Looking for a Leader

Large first world nation seeking leader

Well established first world nation seeking leader to run country, and help re-establish international reputation. The United States of America is seeking a new leader. Contract term variable, four and eight year terms available, depending on performance. Energetic, detail-oriented individual with a proven track record preferred. Must be willing to seek and take advice of others. People, project, resource, & budget management exp. required.

Experience or familiarity with U.S law, policies and procedures related to the Geneva Conventions, and/or common human decency, international law and diplomacy, and 3 years supervisory experience desirable. (1)  No idealogues, please.

Some travel involved, must relocate to Washington DC. (2) Past record of employment will be scrutinized carefully.

The successful candidate must have the following provable qualities:

  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Experience in domestic issues, willingness to learn about foreign policy issues. (3) 
  • Must be able to read and write in the English language. Additional languages helpful, but not required.
  • More than 3 books in your personal library.
  • Experience trouble-shooting world-wide hot spots and diplomacy a plus.
  • Must be a team player. (3a)
  • Must be able to put aside personal agenda, and stick to the facts.
  • Ability to work well with others, including but not limited to: the UN, NATO, OAS, WTO, Fraternal Order of Squirrels, World Bank, NWS, Red Cross, Congress, CNN, Democrats, and Girl Scout Troup 121. (3b)

Is responsible for the overall defense & management of a large territory and population, stretching from sea to shining sea, and from the northernmost border of Mexico to the southernmost border of Canada. Some additional isolated areas such as Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, & Puerto Rico will also come under your territory of responsibility. Ask in cartography for specific locations of ancillary lands.

Main priorities include: world peace, health & welfare of American citizens,  economic stability, environmental responsibility. As a world leader, you will also be expected to apply the same standards of peace, health, welfare and environment to citizens of other countries that you apply to your own.

Large budget and workforce. Defense, Interior & State Departments, flag, motto, and fight songs provided. Homeland Security, Health & Human Services, Education Departments, enviromental condition & economy need work. International treaties in place, others to be negotiated.

The successful President will appoint others to positions within the government based on their qualifications, excluding other criteria or methods. (4) 

The successful President will set goals for the country and its people, and leave the internal management of other countries to them. S/he will improve conditions for its people and environment, in all areas including economic, social, scientific, and global.  (5)

This is a full-time position, but requires availability to respond outside of normal working hours.

Must swear to defend and uphold the Constitution. (6)

Benefits: Salary; perks including home and company-provided transportation, personal staff; four weeks of vacation per year, but only two may be taken consecutively - other two weeks must be taken seperately. Security clearance. Sick days pending. (7) Social Security benefits. (8) Secret Service protection for life, or five years, whichever is less. Wide-spread media coverage, and possibility of really cashing in economically and reputationally on your success after you leave office. Groupies a possibility.

(1) No, torture is not ok, neither is fabricating a case for warring on your neighbors.
(2) Must actually stay there some portion of the time, too.
(3) No "lone cowboys", please.
     (3a) Repeat that.
     (3b) Repeat that.
(4) Please see dictionary definitions for personal relationships & gain, cronyism, and nepotism.
(5) Basically, bub, leave the place in better condition than you found it, not worse.
(6) That doesn't mean change things around a bit to suit your needs.
(7) No sick days provided, until National Health Insurance has been provided for all. Sorry.
(8) Available at a rate not to exceed those offered to other citizens. You really are one of us, now.
[Permission to forward granted with attribution and source link only.]

Friday, November 04, 2005

Where's the outrage?

>> Are we so apathetic that we cannot work up outrage at being lied to, repeatedly?

Many are, yes. Many are also still deluded by the administration's lies. Ask the guys in maintenance if they think Iraq ought to be nuked in retaliation for 9/11. Yes, I know, but just ask.

>> torture... Have we, indeed sunk so low as to consider that these things are allowable

Apparently so. The Pentagon supports it, the CIA supports it, and the White House supports it. They hide away the prisoners, hide away their shame that they not only condone it, but arrange it, by having prisoners technically held by other countries who do not prohibit it.

>> The crime isn't in the mistakes, though, it is in allowing, in continuing to allow, our elected officials, many if not most of them, to continue to act in this fashion.

The media has been cowed or lulled into relative silence for 5 years. They're finally starting to wake up, but it took a hurricane to do it.

>> Where is the moral outrage at the lies and manipulation?

Here. In the blogs that were created as a foil to the media that failed in their fourth estate duties. In other places where liberal voices, and voices that prefer the truth can find to refuse to be cowed by the crooks who've taken over Washington and thrown god and sparklies in the faces of the people they're supposed to be serving - and protecting.

It's in Cindy Sheehan's protest, and the anti-war protests in Washington and other cities around the country.

It's in the action of Democrats fleeing Texas rather than being forced to vote in a crooked redistricting plan. It's in Ronnie Earle's indictment of Tom DeLay, and in Fitzgerald's of the fully grown man with the name of a child - Scooter, the VP's chief of staff.

It's in the lawsuit by the library that's protesting provisions of the Patriot Act that prohibit it from even saying who they are, and that they object to what they're being ordered to do.

It's in people like Richard Clarke, the former head of counter-terrorism for 3 presidents, including Bush, who stood up and said, "That's a lie."

It's in those so-called "activist judges", who are in our Honor Thread, who have stood up to the Bush administration and said, "No, you can't do that. All citizens have the right to legal council, to be charged with a crime or released, to a fair trial, to not be held indefinitely."

It's in organizations like, the ACLU, the Electronic Freedom Foundation.

It's in the broken voice of Ray Nagin, desperately crying, "We need help here!" as he watched his city drown. It's in the voices of the media and the people who said, "No, Brownie is NOT doing a heck of a job. Fire his ass!" It's even in Michael Chertoff, who listened.

Oddly, it's in the voices of the conservative Republicans who said, "Harriet who? She's no Supreme Court justice. Not on our watch."

It's in the voice of former POW and current Senator John McCain who said quite clearly, "No, torture is never ok, and I'm going to codify that. We're better than that, even if I have to remind you of it."

Where it's not, is in a single united voice in the Democratic Party. A united voice that could "throw the bums out."

Thursday, October 13, 2005

There's Absolutely No Evidence...

There's absolutely no evidence...
... that George Bush once persuaded Harriet Miers to remove "American Bandstand Watusi Dancer" from her resume.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

George Entertains Hurricane Refugees

It's Tuesday, August 30th, and your Prez is right there in New Orleans, playing and singing to entertain the multitudes that are sheltering in the Superdome.

Oops! Sorry, he's actually at Naval Base Coronado on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005, where he's comparing himself to FDR during WWII

George chose a set of cheerful, uplifting songs, including "American Pie" and "I'm So Glad We Had This Time Together."

Here, he and Senator McCain were seen at their Monday afternoon "Hurricane Party." No one had the heart to tell him that Glendale, AZ wasn't in the path of the storm. 

Let them eat cake, I say! August 29, 2005, Glendale, AZ

Saturday, July 23, 2005

More From The Eleventy O'Clock News

The National Association of the Press (NAP,) the Old NewsGuy Network (ONN,) and the Freedom For The Press Foundation (FFPF) have joined together to create and require of all "real journalists," and their confidential sources, what's being referred to in some circles as the Fourth Estate Escape Clause. The new "Keep Me Free"™ confidential source agreement, now required of all tipsters, will indemnify, protect, hold harmess, and allow grand jury testimony for any journalist who publishes information to which they should not have been privvy, should have kept to themselves, or which violates national security, but for which they get nailed by the Feds. Anonymous sources will be required to sign the document, and have it notarized and signed by two Witnesses*, so as to protect their journalist "mouthpieces." The mega-convenience store chain, 7-11,  has agreed to provide notary services at a discounted price for the "Keep Me Free"™ initiative.

White House Inside-Outer, Karl Rove, has agreed to act as administrator for the initiative, and to release the identity of any confidential source who refuses to sign. This will be accomplished by virtue of the time-honored tradition of "leaks" through the administration's "Robert Novak" persona.

Every major news outlet in the country, both print and broadcast, has agreed to sign onto the "Keep Me Free"™ initiative. "Bloggers, need not apply," since they're "not real journalists" according to a statement released by the NAP-ONN-FFPF consortium.

© 2005 The Eleventy O'Clock News, where "nothing is real."

*See Wikipedia entry

Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Eleventy O'Clock News

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) (EX) has officially entered the Hot Coffee fray. This morning in Washington, the junior Senator from New York said she was calling on the Federal Trading Card Commission to "take immediate action to determine if the source of graphic pornographic content appearing on the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas video game and accompanying trading cards was the work of Lewinsky-like individuals, and/or Ken Starr."

Clinton joins the Entertainment Software Rationing Board (ESRB), The National Institute on Mooing and the Farm, and the Australian government's Office of Flim and Liturgical Classics (OFLC) who are all seeking to determine if the "Hot Coffee" is being served with or without bagels, in violation of the game's users' agreement.

Read The Eleventy O'Clock News, where "nothing is real."

Friday, June 24, 2005

On Gravity Cats

I'm working on a theory. It began to form in this morning's yellow dawn. You know the one I mean - when the sky is all a pale shade of yellow, filtered by high clouds. No cool orange or pink, just that weird golden glowing yellow. Maybe it was the sleepiness, maybe it was the glowing atmosphere, maybe it was just the extreme relief of making it to the bathroom just in time.

I think that my cat is stealing my gravity.

I had a bad day two days ago. It was hard to walk. My specific and personal gravity seemed about 20% higher than normal, which was just enough to throw me over the edge. Everything ached, and any position other than prone on the couch was nearly impossible. Okay, so I'd worked 15 hours already by that point. I didn't do anything different than normal - only one or two trips out to production during the day, not the 5 or 6 that can really lay me low on a busy day. So there I was, lying on the couch, trying to get up enough energy and reverse this gravity increase enough to go upstairs to bed. Generally, Max, my Maine Coon cat, will jump up, and lay himself out on me full length. He doesn't sit in laps - absolutely refuses. But if I'm lying down, he plasters himself, from my knee to mid-chest, stretched out, and happy. Night before last, he just looked at me when I invited him up. Odd. I never did go upstairs that night, I ended up staying on the couch, because it was, frankly, just so much easier. 

Yesterday, I was fine, mostly. Gravity was back to normal, I didn't ache, and I was movin' pretty well for an old gal with crunchy knees. I could still feel the residuals of the gravity increase from the day before. I knew that at any time, things could reverse, and I'd be right back where I was.

So that brings us to today, and you're probably wondering why I think that Max is stealing my gravity. This morning, I hobbled down the stairs to use the bathroom. I hate the one upstairs - it was built under the eaves of the house, and it's TINY! This morning it was a race whether gravity was going to win, or I was. As I passed the window in the pantry, I saw Max stretched out full length, standing at the window to let me know he'd endured the indignity of spending the night outside, and that I should let him in immediately. Too bad, cat, gravity's taking over, I'll get you in a minute when I'm finished!

Now, I have this bad habit I should mention. I tend to not close the bathroom door all the way when I know that no one's around. I dunno, it's just something dumb I do. Hubby's upstairs sound asleep, and won't be up for another hour. Son's in his room, sound asleep, and believe me, nothing will get him up until sometime after 10 a.m. this morning. So I'm essentially alone in the house, or so it feels. The cats always take advantage of this opportunity of open door and sitting person to come and greet me, and say good morning. Remember, Max is a Maine Coon cat, so yes, he really does say good morning. Real words - honest. Just ask Cane - she'll tell you.

In comes Tessa the kitten to say her good mornings. She rubs against my legs, arches her tail way forward, receives her pats, and then she wanders off to see if there's any water dripping in the shower she can play with. In comes Max, who stalks into the room, rubs against my legs, and rather than saying good morning as is his usual, just gives me a backwards glare as he struts out of the room.


Max is outside. I left him at the pantry window, with promises that I'd let him in in a minute. It's been less than that. There's no way to get in the house, no open windows without screens. Hubby's still upstairs - I'd hear it if he'd gotten up. Son's still in his room, sound asleep. There's no one else in the house. If there was a way in, Max would have used it before, instead of standing at the window demanding that I let him in.

Damn cat. He must have stolen my gravity the other day, and used it to get in the house this morning. And this time, he let me see it, just to taunt me.

Where's my Heinlein books?

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Beside the Asides

Did you happen to see "Biography" the week they did "bios" of TV game shows? Vanna White wasn't the first letter turner, and certainly not the most interesting.

Though I can't find any mention of those shows on the Biography site, (which, btw, seems now to have bought out the url from the former owners, which is probably best, but I thought it was really nice of them to always have a link to it anyway down in the corner,) this being the internet, where everyone has a fan page, you can read about Susan Stafford and Chuck Woolery here. (This site, btw, was created by a moderately interesting young guy that seems to be involved in game show development and television production, but graduated with a BA in Economics from Harvard. His chatty blog is well-written, and fun, though since I watch so little television, I'm clueless most of the time about his subject matter. No matter - they guy went to Harvard, and is a writer, and his natural abilities show through.)

Check Susan Stafford's "resume" page on her website for a list of accomplishments. MA & PhD in clinical psychology, public relations, motivational speaker, acting, writer & producer, hosting (7-1/2 years as the cohostess on Wheel of Fortune, as well as radio shows, and guest host shots,) and charity work. No telling how many times she was married, but once to a Texas millionaire, for a few years to Dick Ebersol (the TV sports producer guy [married to Susan St. James, whom I always loved to watch on tv] that was in a plane crash here in Colorado four months ago; his younger son [and the pilot and a flight attendant] was killed - they named a ski slope after him, "Teddy's Way"... ) but that didn't turn out so well, she pulled a gun on him, and well, you know how husbands are about that sort of thing.

Aside from how *many* things she's done, the part I find most interesting is her "Goodwill Ambassador to the World" title and work. Who gave her that title? Who knows... but it looks to me, like this is one accomplished lady. Working with leprosy patients, counseling WTC and Columbine survivors and families, supporting research into AIDS & sickle cell anemia.

This is no vapid "letter turner." But... I'm sure Vanna does all that she can, poor girl.



Saturday, March 26, 2005

The 7/8 Solution

I have the solution to 7/8 of the political turmoil in this country.

Damn, you say! Could Fortuna actually have a decent idea?

Will this be the knob on the Tardis that finally makes me vote for her as Supreme Ruler of the Galaxy?

You see, it's not the fact that Democrats are a bunch of kumbayahs, it's not the fact that Republicans are assholes, it's that we're trying to force 33 pounds of shit in a 30 pound box. That extra three pounds has nearly been the death of us...

The solution, Fortuna, the solution! Get with it, and stop with the homilaic metaphors! Or whatever that's called.

We don't have a two party system in the U.S., we don't even have Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Or Green Partys, or Socialists, or whatever. We have a three party system, and it's time to stop lying and kidding ourselves about it. It's time for voters and politicians to be honest about who they are, and what they want.

This, then, is the real answer, the solution to the deep strife, the wedge that's being driven between what used to be a reasonable system, and reasonable people:

The Christian Right Wing Party do-di-do-do-duh-do-do-di-do... (think Jeopardy singing in your head...)

Hmm... ok, so silence generally means, "Fortuna, you're full of shit, but I'm too polite to tell you so."

And here I thought that either my brilliance at figuring this out, or my dimwittedness at only now figuring it out would elicit at least a sneer or two.

It's not the Democrats that should be pissed off at the deep political split in this country, it's the Republicans. And it's not the Democrats they should be pissed off at, it's those who've hijacked their party - the X+> (Christian Right.)

  • Since when do Republicans believe in government interfering in people's lives?
  • Since when do Republicans believe in a central government overriding state's rights?
  • Since when do Republicans believe in crippling national debt, or giving up their individual freedoms?

Are we on the verge, then, of a swap of ideals?

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Trembling in Anticipation

Sometimes, you find something online that makes you tremble with anticipation of hours of delight. This blog entry from Fictionalart just did it for me:

The New York Public Library has unveiled a browsable, searchable online image trove that includes hundreds of thousands of images - illuminated manuscripts, historical maps, rare prints and photographs, posters, drawings and plenty more.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Toy Fair: Delusions of Childhood

What's hot at New York's annual toy fair? Well, Barbie of course, who goes Hollywood this year, but...

If Barbie isn't your daughter's cup of tea, she might appreciate Serpentina, who has a pierced lower lip, pet cobras named Ted and John Wayne, and a strong dislike for the smell of burning hair.

Serpentina is part of the Bleeding Edge collection of 12-inch Glam Goth Dolls, all dressed like trashy vampires, retailing for $24 each. Her friend Storm O. Misery offers this tip on meditation: "I sit in the middle of an electrical storm and channel my dead pets."

Meet Serpentina Maria Sangria from the Bleeding Edge line of Glam Goth Dolls. (Bleeding Edge)

I think Wednesday Addams would be fond of Serpentina - especially if she could add more piercings at will. Or, how about this little gem from Strugglez (I can see why they named their company that - they be struggling for a decent concept...)

Meet Puddles and Ca-Ca and Poo-P, three of the newest potty-training assistants. They're mascots from the Strugglez product line to help your kid graduate from diapers by transforming your toilet into a bunny, giraffe or puppy dog.

Each $20 potty pal comes with an animal head that fits over the toilet tank, complete with floppy ears, a smiling face, bushy tail. Puddles, Ca-Ca and Poo-P promise to be there when your little tyke hears nature call.


There are advantages to having teenagers. :)

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

The Gigapxl Project

Physicist Graham Flint is working on an ultra-high-resolution portrait of America -- a series of gigantic, gigapixel images taken with a custom camera made from bits and pieces of decommissioned Cold War hardware. Armed with a self-designed camera he crafted from parts of spy planes and nuclear reactors, Flint is crisscrossing America, taking thousands of pictures of cities, monuments and national parks. story
Link to the Gigapixl Project website & gallery.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

He said, he said, he said, he said

The saga of Ward Churchill. Read all about it. What he said that got him into such trouble, what he said in response to media reports, what the Governor of Colorado said, what the Chancellor of CU said. Churchill really does try very hard to "justify" his writings.

Finally, I have never characterized all the September 11 victims as "Nazis." What I said was that the "technocrats of empire" working in the World Trade Center were the equivalent of "little Eichmanns." Adolf Eichmann was not charged with direct killing but with ensuring the smooth running of the infrastructure that enabled the Nazi genocide. Similarly, German industrialists were legitimately targeted by the Allies. It should be emphasized that I applied the "little Eichmanns" characterization only to those described as "technicians." Thus, it was obviously not directed to the children, janitors, food service workers, firemen and random passers-by killed in the 9-1-1 attack. According to Pentagon logic, were simply part of the collateral damage. Ugly? Yes. Hurtful? Yes. And that's my point. It's no less ugly, painful or dehumanizing a description when applied to Iraqis, Palestinians, or anyone else. If we ourselves do not want to be treated in this fashion, we must refuse to allow others to be similarly devalued and dehumanized in our name.

Governor puts just the right amount of "moral outrage" into his letter to Republican alumni.

All decent people, whether Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, should denounce the views of Ward Churchill. Not only are his writings outrageous and insupportable, they are at odds with the facts of history. The thousands of innocent people - and innocent they were - who were murdered on September 11 were murdered by evil cowards.

Chancellor strikes just the right note of "due process."

Even as the debate continues, we must understand the serious nature of actions to terminate or suspend a professor on the basis of conduct that includes political speech.

Before such a decision could be made, the University must observe due process as required by the U.S. Constitution and the Laws of the Regents. We must have faith in our processes to guide our actions in the most thoughtful and equitable manner.

Therefore, today I announce a course of action that will provide due process, as well as help us understand the boundaries of our most fundamental protections as citizens and faculty members.

Within the next 30 days, the Office of the Chancellor will launch and oversee a thorough examination of Professor Churchill's writings, speeches, tape recordings and other works.

The purpose of this internal review is to determine whether Professor Churchill may have overstepped his bounds as a faculty member, showing cause for dismissal as outlined in the Laws of the Regents.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Of Saints & Scarecrows

Tell me that L. Frank Baum didn't see this painting at least once in his life! Sano di Pietro (Italian, active by 1428–81) Saint Anthony Abbot Tormented by Demons, ca. 1435; Tempera and gold on panel, 18 11/16 x 13 1/2 in. (47.5 x 34.3 cm) Posted by Hello Yale Art Gallery

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Floral Erotica

Artist Katinka Matson has taken scanner to nature, and created something of infinite beauty. Look at the thumbnails, pick one, then go deeper by using the enlarge link. You'll be amazed at the depth of color & beauty. Floral erotica.

For contrast, here are white Calla Lillies taken with a standard digital camera by Philadelphia photographer Greylensman. Posted by Hello

Five Calla Lillies by Katinka Matson Posted by Hello

From the Facts & Fancies File

This is about as fanciful as it gets. Eleven Moons Realty. Yes, it's an entire page of banner ads. But, look closely. The rest of Bryce artist Frogspot's site is well worth an hour of your time.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

The Destruction of Cities: Babylon

WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland's defense Ministry has denied charges that Polish troops in Iraq had damaged the site of ancient Babylon, one of the world's most famous archaeological treasures, while using it as a military base.

"Neither Polish troops, nor any other troops under Polish command, ever carried out any projects violating historical monuments or causing their devastation," defense Ministry spokesman Colonel Piotr Pertek said on Sunday. "Our soldiers never engaged in any efforts to strengthen the security of Camp Babylon without consulting Iraq's monument preservation authorities."

The statement followed a British Museum report alleging that U.S. and Polish troops had caused "substantial damage" to the ancient city during their combined 21-month occupation of the site. Scotsman

Was it damaged? Possibly. Regrettable? Certainly. But... the facts of life are that you can't preserve anything forever. Babylon, the former site of one of the reputed seven wonders of the ancient world - the hanging gardens of Babylon - isn't immune to occupying armies, plagues of Texas locusts, erosion, or infidels.

During the reign of Sennacherib, Babylon underwent a constant state of revolt, which was only suppressed by the complete destruction of the capital. In 689 BC its walls, temples and palaces were razed to the ground and the rubbish thrown into the Arakhtu the canal which bordered the earlier Babylon on the south. (Wikipedia entry)

Babylon has been occupied by Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, and defaced by Saddam Hussein - he had his name inscribed on bricks on the site, as well as having part of it rebuilt. (Which itself horrified archaeologists.)

Oddly, I ought to feel outraged about this, and I don't - yet. I remember being furious at the destruction caused by the Taliban of ancient sites in Afghanistan; in Cambodia, where ancient temples were destroyed by the Khmer Rouge; the destruction of Belgrade during the 1990's, and the purposeful and deliberate bombing of the Stari Most Bridge in Mostar, and I was outraged at the U.S's failure to plan for, and prevent looting in Iraq when we started this war. But this? Incidental damage of armies? No outrage. Now, if the Polish and U.S. armies were being accused of driving their tanks down the ancient streets, and deliberately plowing down walls or deliberately destroying the Gates of Ishtar, then I'd be pissed, and will be calling for their heads on silver platters. I guess we'll see.

Could the Polish and U.S. armies have done more damage than was done by the "excavations" that were done by archaeologists up through the 1930's, or the armies of Alexander? Cities - even archaeological ones - are evolving things. Not living, but evolving to the politics, religion, and people around them. They rise, they fall, and sometimes they're defaced or destroyed.

Dr. Darko Radovic postulates that the cities of Yugoslavia, "were attacked and destroyed because they were cities, because they embodied the pluralist, cosmopolitan, inclusive culture that ridiculed the narrow particularism and xenophobia of nationalistic exclusiveness." If that holds true for the destruction of armies world-wide, and it makes sense that it does, then our armies in the middle east need to take heed. Commanders in the field need to educate and control, and not allow their troops to destroy ancient sites in lieu of destroying the "enemy." It just doesn't help, and tends to piss off the people.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

The epitome of "abandoned." This is from Woodgrange Cemetery, London. Posted by Hello

We All Fall Down

Maybe a bit different than the London you're used to seeing, but London, nonetheless. Derelict London Check out the abandoned railway line in particular, and think what a little renovation could do to that area. Love the Green Man sculpture coming out of the brick wall! Also, don't miss cemeteries, murals (the Shoreditch one is hilarious,) and hospitals.

Part of Yahoo! UK's people's choice awards for best finds in 2004.

If you're a New Yorker rather than a Londoner, there's a similar site, Forgotten New York. It's more extensive than Derelict London, and it looks like they've got three new photo galleries to explore for 2005. I can't quite decide which one to explore first.

Oh, please. You should look so good.

Michelangelo's David, far from representing the epitome of male physical perfection, was a wreck, according to a posture expert. An analysis by pilates pioneer Alan Herdman found David would have had a bad lower back, a weak hip and ankles, hammer toes and poor flexibility. Mr Herdman said that the beautiful young man in the statue in fact has very poor posture. BBC

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Of Human Bondage

... you probably already know about this site, but I found it this morning on someone's blog, and had fun checking out the "bondage" covers from comic books.
Welcome to Comic Book Bondage Cover of the Day, the web's foremost reference site for bondage covers on mainstream comic books. All of the cover scans on this site are from comic books which were sold on newsstands to the public. Accordingly, this site is open to all ages, although parental guidance is recommended. Comic Book Bondage Cover of the Day
We're not talking nasty stuff here, we're talking Supergirl tied up by a villan, damsel in distress, Marvel, DC, Amazing, Batman, all mainstream stuff. I haven't found one yet that wouldn't be work-safe. Click on the archives link, to see an enormous list of images. Browse, and have fun!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Irreverent & Irrelevent: Jerry Springer: The Opera

David Soul as Jerry Springer
More than 1.7 million viewers watched Jerry Springer - The Opera on BBC Two on Saturday, despite the objections of protesters.

At least 45,000 people had contacted the BBC to complain about swearing and religious themes in the opera. Most opera broadcasts attract an audience of about 1 million viewers, a corporation spokesperson said.


Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice, a UK-wide prayer group, says they will sue the BBC for blasphemy. "Having seen the thing, if this is not blasphemy, nothing is. There will be nothing sacred if we cannot successfully prosecute the BBC."

Rocky Flats Part II

A lot of the damage was done long ago - the incidence of certain cancers in the residents of that area - as well as the former RF workers - is disporportionately high. Every building and stick of furniture onsite has to be cleaned, dismantled, wrapped, and disposed of as radioactive waste. Now, radioactive material that's removed from the facility is [censored] ... uh... disposed of in another state. Underground pipelines are not being dismantled and removed.

However, they're still finding "surprises" on the grounds, as recently as two years ago. In April of 2003 a buried waste incinerator as tall as a three story building was discovered, that no one knew was there.

Hazardous and radioactive contamination at the site is permanent. Despite the DOE's assurances that all's well, no one really believes that, except perhaps the DOE.

I did err in a few of my facts about Rocky Flats in the first post. It started production in 1952, not in the 1970's, (post 1 has been corrected) and was in business for some 37 years. Oh... and did I mention the fire in one of the containment buildings in 1969 that sent a plume of radioactive smoke over the Denver area? Or the plutonium deposits east of the site that were 100 times more than the fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests? When confronted with this information, the plant operators informed the public that the plutonium likely didn't come from the 1969 fire, but from one in 1957, or else from leaks from thousands of drums of plutonium-contaminated waste that was stored outside. This is how we (the public and the state) found out what was really going on out at Rocky Flats.

How do you decomtaminate 6,500 square acres of land, and insure that nothing is missed? You can't. The public and the DOE can't even agree on the definition of "clean," and clean doesn't even mean clean, it means "acceptable levels at maximum exposure for humans," which isn't very reassuring, considering they are making it into a wildlife refuge, and not a housing development.

Maybe this only matters to the people of Colorado. But if you read this document, you'll see why folks here have been concerned ever since we found out what's going on a mere 16 miles from here. Just think: this is the one we know about. There are probably similar facilities all over the states that were never found out, or that are still leaking radioactive contamination into the soil, water, and air around you. 

The author of the above-mentioned paper recommends that Rocky Flats be declared off-limits for a minimum of two centuries, while the full effects of the plutonium contamination are studied.  Instead, we'll be sending our children on school field trips to the "wildlife refuge."

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Fortune Turns Her Wheel by Edward Burne-Jones Posted by Hello

Throwaway Kennedys

I knew little about Rosemary Kennedy, oldest sister of JFK, other than her name and that she was "mentally retarded." She died yesterday, at age 86.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Rosemary Kennedy, the oldest sister of President John F. Kennedy and the inspiration for the Special Olympics, died Friday. She was 86.

Kennedy, the third child of Rose and Joseph Kennedy, was born mentally retarded and underwent a lobotomy when she was 23. She lived most of her life in a Jefferson, Wis., institution, the St. Coletta School for Exceptional Children...

Born Rose Marie Kennedy on Sept. 13, 1918, in Boston, she was known as Rosemary or Rosie to friends and family. In her own diaries before the lobotomy, she chronicled a life of tea dances, dress fittings, trips to Europe and a visit to the Roosevelt White House.

But as she got older, her father worried his daughter's mild condition would lead her into situations that could damage the family's reputation.


... perhaps most moving are the letters from Rosemary Kennedy, whose mild mental retardation stalled her development in the hypercompetitive Kennedy family. A year older than [Kathleen] Kick, Rosemary penned letters (at times, with help) that seem on a par with her sibling's, up to about age 16, when we suddenly start noticing Kick's breathless accounts completely overwhelming hers.

The last letter from Rosemary to her father was sent in April 1940, when Rosemary, 21, signed off with the postscript "I am so fond of you. And ... Love you very much. Sorry. To think that I am fat you . think)." It is unclear exactly where, or when, but some time in 1941, Joe Kennedy decided that Rosemary might benefit from a still fairly unknown prefrontal lobotomy, to help with her reported bouts of anxiety. The procedure, Smith writes, "failed," and there is almost no mention of Rosemary after late 1940 in the patriarch's papers.


BOSTON -- In a family where virtually every member's every move is subject to the scrutiny of an insatiable public, what might the diaries of a forgotten daughter's coming of age have to offer? 

Barbara Gibson, a Kennedy family secretary, says they seemed to be worth nothing to the family, and that she kept them rather than obey orders to throw them in the trash.

"Went to luncheon in the ballroom in the White House. James Roosevelt took us in to see his father, President Roosevelt. He said, 'It's about time you came. How can I put my arm around all of you? Which is the oldest? You are all so big."'
"Have a fitting at 10:15 Elizabeth Arden. Appointment dress fitting again. Home for lunch. Royal tournament in the afternoon."
"Up too late for breakfast. Had it on deck. Played Ping-Pong with Ralph's sister, also with another man. Had lunch at 1:15. Walked with Peggy. also went to horse races with her, and bet and won a dollar and a half. Went to the English Movie at five. Had dinner at 8:45. Went to the lounge with Miss Cahill and Eunice and retired early."

Ms. Gibson said she found the diaries about 18 years ago as she and Rose Kennedy sorted through an attic at the family's Hyannis Port estate. 

"(Rose) was throwing things out . . . We came upon these diaries," Ms. Gibson said in a telephone interview from her Jupiter, Fla., real estate office. "She said, 'They're Rosemary's diaries, I don't want them. Throw them in the trash.'


Ah well, she outlived them all - good for her!

Led to some interesting reading, anyway.


Saturday morning treatise - Rocky Flats

I don't know if I can adequately explain this story, or its' significance for the people out here, but it's one that needs to be told. And told again.

From 1952 to 1989, Rocky Flats was a nuclear weapons manufacturing facility, located just outside of Denver. They manufactured the trigger mechanisms for nuclear weapons. The facility provided lots of jobs for the area, and lots of secrets.

Long the site of anti-nuclear protests, the site was eventually shut down back in the 80's, but only because the need for more and more nuclear weapons waned. Protesters maintained that the facility was contaminating the area, including groundwater and the water table, with radioactive material. At first, everyone just laughed at the 'kooks', but eventually, with the advent of environmental organizations that had some political clout, people started taking them more seriously. Radiation was indeed leaking from the facility, and contaminating air, earth, and water, not 16 miles from a major metropolitan area, with approximately 3 million people.

Eventually, they were taken seriously enough, and there was enough evidence gathered by the state and city health departments that there was something bad going on, that the FBI raided the facility. This is a highly-classified, government facility, managed by Rockwell International, and it was raided by the FBI.

The investigation progressed, and was presented to a 23 member "special" grand jury in 1989. They spent 2-1/2 years investigating what was going on at Rocky Flats, including allegations that officials conspired to cover up the illegal handling and disposal of dangerous wastes at Rocky Flats.

Grand jury proceedings are secret, and grand juries are not allowed to breach that secrecy. What this grand jury learned, however, led them to taking several unprecendented steps. They became known as the Runaway Jury. They made allegations of organized crime on the part of the government, and Rockwell. When prosecutors balked at acting, the jury wrote their own report. They asked to make their report public, so serious was the contamination and subsequent cover-up, which request was denied by Judge Sherman Finesilver. They tried to return indictments against the Energy Department, and Rockwell International, but federal prosecutors refused to sign the indictments.

The result was an extraordinary behind-the-scenes constitutional confrontation pitting 22 ordinary citizens, determined to do their duty as they saw it, against Colorado's top federal prosecutor and his staff, the U.S. Department of Justice and Colorado's chief federal judge.

In this showdown, the jurors--most of whom had never served on any jury before or taken on any public official over so much as a parking ticket--stood their ground:

-When Norton told them he would not draft an indictment naming Rockwell or energy department employees, they drafted one themselves with the help of a lawyer on the jury and adopted it unanimously.

-When Norton asked them to approve an indictment he supported--which contained the charges Rockwell executives eventually pled guilty to--they refused. His indictment was a whitewash, they said, and they wouldn't be a part of it.

-When Norton discouraged them from drafting a "presentment," a document outlining the charges of criminal conduct that doesn't carry the force of law, they drafted one anyway and adopted it unanimously.


Seven days after the judge refused their request to publish their findings, excerpts from their report and details of their accusations were published in what was then a small local "alternative" paper, Westword. The major papers wouldn't touch the story, but Westword did, and it propelled the small paper into news and investigative legitimacy.

After reports that U.S. Attorney General Mike Norton had referred grand jury leaks to the Justice Department, U.S. Rep. Pat Schroeder called for a new grand jury and an independent prosecutor to investigate Rocky Flats. "Frankly, Mr. Attorney General," she wrote in a letter, "it is not the grand jurors but the U.S. attorney who ought to be investigated. From what I gather, the U.S. attorney did everything he could to sweep the entire scandal under a rug. Worse, it was a Department of Justice rug." (1)

Instead of being indicted, Rockwell International was fined 18.5 million dollars, and the grand jury was disbanded. Told to go home, and keep their mouths shut.

Twelve of the original 23 grand jurors wrote to President Clinton, asking him to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the government's actions. In 1993, an edited version of the grand jury report was released. The full version of the grand jury report is available here., including portions the gov't did not approve for release. C'est la vie, you know? Can't keep a good grand jury down...

In 1997, at least six members of the special grand jury hired their own lawyers, and made a secret appeal for a hearing, to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, who ordered Judge Richard Matsch to give them one. They testfied about the 2-1/2 years they spent investigating 'environmental crimes' at Rocky Flats. They claimed that officials at the Justice Department blocked their attempts to indict Energy Department and Rockwell International officials. They asked for permission to make public their findings. That was denied.

Though closed to production for many years, Rocky Flats is still there, still operational (though only in terms of shutting the place down, which has been going on for all these years,) and still cleaning up the site. If I'm not mistaken, RF has gone through three operators since Rockwell was thrown out. "Clean up" is scheduled to be completed next year, some seven or so years ahead of schedule. For every year ahead of schedule they complete the cleanup, the current operators receive tens of millions of dollars in performance bonuses. Once it's done, the site is scheduled to become a "wildlife refuge" and recreation district, in 2007.

Grand jury foreman Wes McKinley, along with three other citizens has continued the fight to get the whole story told for all these years, and has now been elected to the state house. His book, The Ambushed Grand Jury, (How the Justice Department Covered Up Government Nuclear Crimes, and We Caught Them Redhanded) is available on his website. Right now, he's introducing a law that would require that all visitors to the site, including the anticipated school tours, be fully informed about the dangers of the site. "The federal government lied to the citizens of Colorado for years about the dangers of Rocky Flats," said McKinley, speaking at a news conference. "They're still lying, and now they want to take our schoolchildren out there on field trips."

So... what brought this all to mind, and made me spend the last two hours writing this post? News, of course, as usual.

The FBI agent who led the original raid of the Rocky Flats facility back in 1989 has taken early retirement from the FBI, specifically so he can "tell the truth about Rocky Flats"; how the government stymied his investigation, tampered with environmental monitoring, and hid the truth of the true extent of the contamination at Rocky Flats.

And there you have my Saturday morning treatise on my neighborhood. :)