Saturday, March 26, 2005

The 7/8 Solution

I have the solution to 7/8 of the political turmoil in this country.

Damn, you say! Could Fortuna actually have a decent idea?

Will this be the knob on the Tardis that finally makes me vote for her as Supreme Ruler of the Galaxy?

You see, it's not the fact that Democrats are a bunch of kumbayahs, it's not the fact that Republicans are assholes, it's that we're trying to force 33 pounds of shit in a 30 pound box. That extra three pounds has nearly been the death of us...

The solution, Fortuna, the solution! Get with it, and stop with the homilaic metaphors! Or whatever that's called.

We don't have a two party system in the U.S., we don't even have Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Or Green Partys, or Socialists, or whatever. We have a three party system, and it's time to stop lying and kidding ourselves about it. It's time for voters and politicians to be honest about who they are, and what they want.

This, then, is the real answer, the solution to the deep strife, the wedge that's being driven between what used to be a reasonable system, and reasonable people:

The Christian Right Wing Party do-di-do-do-duh-do-do-di-do... (think Jeopardy singing in your head...)

Hmm... ok, so silence generally means, "Fortuna, you're full of shit, but I'm too polite to tell you so."

And here I thought that either my brilliance at figuring this out, or my dimwittedness at only now figuring it out would elicit at least a sneer or two.

It's not the Democrats that should be pissed off at the deep political split in this country, it's the Republicans. And it's not the Democrats they should be pissed off at, it's those who've hijacked their party - the X+> (Christian Right.)

  • Since when do Republicans believe in government interfering in people's lives?
  • Since when do Republicans believe in a central government overriding state's rights?
  • Since when do Republicans believe in crippling national debt, or giving up their individual freedoms?

Are we on the verge, then, of a swap of ideals?